Monday, January 29, 2007

the future lies before you

i know you read it.

and i hope it mae you i hope it was a releif for you. because its true...and i think now it will be just that much easier to be friends. which is what i really want.

as far as this new guy...i dont want to say too much just yet. because hes one of my favorite people and best friends and i dont want to mess that up. but i dunno, im just having one of those puppy love type crush things ya know? like how I get the best feeling in the world when hes says "hi" to me or even smiles at me because I know, even if it's just for a second, I crossed his mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

go for it now and don't turn back. risk it! take chances! but above all just try! try! try!

don't be like me, left to wallow in my own sorrow because i wasn't courageous enough or wanted to rely on people that can't help me.

you are your own greatest help and the ultimate dream coming true is the realization that the dream was the reality that was the chance to chase a dream.